Credit Line


Using Credit Line you can:

  • Enter and approve credit lines.

  • Approve credit lines when another user has insufficient approval authority to approve the credit line.

  • View the details for credit lines entered by credit analysts and credit lines created by the Automated Decisions module.

  • Convert credit lines to different currencies.

  • Review and print a customer's past and current credit lines.

  • View the accounts receivable summary for a customer directly from the Credit line screen.

  • View the approval history of any changes made to the credit line during the approval process.

  • Add attachments to a credit line.

  • Delete credit lines.

  • Expire effective credit lines when you need to change an approved credit line.

  • Change credit line details if your business administrator has set up eCredit to enable editing of approved credit line.

  • Delete credit lines.

  • Allocate credit lines using either operating characteristics or business hierarchy methods.

Credit lines for the customer are shown with color coding to distinguish approved, effective credit line (shown with blue text) from expired credit lines (shown with red text).

Your business administrator can set up eCredit to enable or disable customer accounts having more than one effective credit line. If multiple effective credit lines are prohibited, you are not able to approve a credit line with currently effective dates if one already exists. If there is an existing effective credit line, you can only approve another credit line if the credit line has future effective dates, or you can expire the credit line and create a new one.

Your business administrator can  set up eCredit for concurrence approval. Concurrence approval is a structured process in which more than one person with the proper approval authority is required to approve a credit line approval. More

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