Adding and Approving Credit Lines (Single Approval)


This sections describes how to add and approve credit lines through the credit line feature when a single approval is required, the validations that are required to approve credit lines, and how e-mail notification works.

Note:  For information on approving credit lines when your implementation is set up to require multiple approvals, see Working with Concurrence Approval.

How Credit Line is used

Using the Credit Line feature, you can

  • create a credit line and approve it

  • approve credit lines entered by another credit analyst or through the Automated Decisions module that were referred for your analysis.

Approval process

The following table shows the approval process when using the Credit Line feature rather than the automated decision process to approve the credit line and a single approval is required:





The credit line can be created in either of the following ways:

  • The automated decision process can create a credit line when the request is submitted through the Automated Decisions module.

  • Using the Credit Line feature, the credit analyst can create a credit line by entering the Transaction Type, the Requested Amount, and the Effective and Expiry dates on the Credit Line details screen.


A credit analyst enters their password and the Analyst Recommended Line amount on the Credit Line details screen.


eCredit validates that

  • the password is valid

  • the amount does not exceed the analyst's approval authority


One of the following occurs:

  • If the validations are met, eCredit approves the credit line, fills in the amount in the Approved Line field and selects the Is Approved check box.

  • If the validations are not met, eCredit sends notification to the analyst's primary and secondary managers that their approval is required.


Approval authority

Your approval authority is the highest credit line amount you are able to approve. Your system administrator assigns your approval authority when the administrator creates your user account. You can view your approval authority on your My Profile screen.

E-mail notifications

When you enter an Analyst Recommended Line and save a credit line, if you have insufficient approval authority, eCredit notifies your primary and secondary managers that their approval is needed. Your business administrator can specify whether the notification includes e-mail, work queue task, or both of these methods.

Integration with the Automated Decisions module

From the Credit Line feature you view details for credit lines entered through the Credit Lines feature and through the Automated Decisions module. You identify credit lines entered through the Automated Decisions module by the presence of a transaction number in the Tran # column on the Credit Line screen.

About multiple effective credit lines

Your business administrator can set up eCredit to enable or disable customer accounts having more than one effective credit line.

If multiple effective credit lines are prohibited and there is an existing effective credit line, you can only approve another credit line if the credit line has future effective dates.

Procedure: Adding and approving a credit line

To add and approve a credit line:

  1. Select the customer. How?

  2. From the Customer Information tab, select Credit Line.
    The Credit Line screen appears.

  3. Click Add.
    The Credit Line details screen appears.

  4. Enter the following information. This information is required to save the credit line:

    • Transaction Type, such as New or Renew

    • Requested Amount

    • Currency, Unit, and Conversion Date

    • Effective and Expiry Dates

Tip:   Your business administrator can set up a default value for the number of months between reviews using the View Designer> Edit Credit Line feature. This number of months is used to populate the expiration date for the credit line (Effective date + the default number of months between reviews = the expiration date.)

  1. Optionally, enter other information for the credit line, such as Annual Sales, Account Profit, or Next Review In (Months).

  1. Optionally, enter any notes about the credit line in the Comments section.

  2. Optionally, to add an attachment:

    1. In the Attachments section, select the Browse button.
      A dialog box appears asking you to select the file to be attached.

    1. Use the dialog box to locate and select the file, and click Open.
      The name and path for the selected file appears in the Attach File field.

Note: You can add attachments at any time, even after the credit line has been approved.

  1. To approve the credit line, enter

    • the Analyst Recommended Line in the Requested Info section

    • your eCredit user password in the Password field in the Approval Authorization section.

  2. Click Save.

    •  If you enter your password correctly and the amount you enter in the Analyst Recommended Line field does not exceed your authority limit, your approval is entered for the credit line, and the Is Approved check box is system-selected.

    • If the validations are not met, e-mail notifications that their approvals are needed are sent to your primary and secondary managers.

Procedure: Approving a credit line when the credit line already has been created

The following procedure describe how to approve a credit line when the credit line already has been created.

To approve a credit line:

  1. Select the customer. How?

  2. From the Customer Information tab, select Credit Line.
    The Credit Line screen appears.

  3. Select the credit line to be approved.
    The Credit Line detail screen appears.

  4. To approve the credit line, enter

    • the Analyst Recommended Line in the Requested Info section

    • your name from the user list in the Approval Authority column.

    • your eCredit user password in the Password field in the Approval Authorization section.

  1. Click Save.

    • If you enter your password correctly and the amount you enter in the Analyst Recommended Line field does not exceed your authority limit, your approval is entered for the credit line, and the Is Approved check box is system-selected.

    • If the validations are not met, e-mail notification that their approval is needed is sent to your primary and secondary managers.