Work Queue Summary Overview


From the Work Queue Summary screen, you can:

  • search for the customers you want to work on.

  • use Advanced Search to locate customers with specific aging characteristics.

  • access your collection activities for the customer.

  • access the work queue for another collector if you are assigned to the appropriate business role, or are a manager.

  • view your work queue totals that are updated as you complete actions and submit promises and disputes.

  • print the customers in your Work Queue and your work queue totals.

  • manage your action items by reassigning, completing, and deferring them.

Click here to view a screen shot showing what you can do from the Work Queue Summary screen.

Color coding in the Work Queue module

The collection information for customers in the Work Queue module can appear in colored text to indicate the following:

Red text means that the customer has action items that are overdue.

Green text means that the customer has been scheduled for batch reassignment during the nightly processing. You cannot reassign the customer as it is already scheduled, but you can perform any other collection activity.

Blue text means that the customer's action items have been scheduled for batch completion during the nightly processing. You cannot complete the action items as they are already scheduled, but you can perform any other collection activity.

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