Work Queue Summary Screen Customer Search


From Work Queue Summary, you can search for customers that have at least one currently due or past due action item in your work queue. You can search for the following:

  • Specific customers.

  • Customers with specific aging characteristics.

  • Action items having a certain priority.

  • Additional customers when there are more than 200 (the application shows 200 customers at a time).

  • Customers in another user's work queue.

Advanced search

The Work Queue Summary screen has an advanced search section that you can use:

  • in conjunction with the basic search to locate specific accounts with which you want to work.

  • to create a condition using any of the totals in the Search Results section of the screen.

For example, you can locate accounts with over a certain number of invoices that are past due and that have high priority action items.

Accessing your priority customers

When you access Collection Activity after sorting the Work Queue Summary screen, the Collection Activity screen has next and previous arrows that take you to the collection activity for the next customer listed on the Work Queue Summary screen.

If you search for your priority customers on Work Queue Summary, you do not need to leave the Collection Activity screen or perform another search to work on your next priority customer.

Note: When you select a sort order on the Work Queue Summary and Invoices screens that sort order persists until you log off, if you have the User Level Sort Preference capability included in your user role.


Sorting the Collection Activity screen

On the Collection Activity screen, in the Search Results section, you can sort the information by clicking any underlined column header. The information sorts in either ascending or descending order depending on how your business administrator configures the screen. A second click sorts in the reverse order. A third click sorts using absolute order so that the invoice records with negative amounts (credit memos) are sorted by amount due or invoice amount without the negative sign. A fourth click reverses the absolute order.

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