Working with the Customer Snapshot


The Customer Snapshot provides a single point of access for the latest data available in eCredit for a customer.

You can convert the Customer Snapshot to PDF, or e-mail it so that it can be used for account and management reviews.

You can archive the Snapshot by saving it to the Customer Notes feature, and can add a comment when saving it. This means that the Snapshot for this point in time is available to all authorized users.

From the Customer Snapshot, you can generate an Cortera QUICKLOOK report to verify the customer's business and to update the address if the QUICKLOOK report finds a different or more complete address.

The Customer Snapshot can include graphs for up to twelve months of data, and summarized information with links to more details. Your administrator can customize Customer Snapshot templates and assign them to different groups of users. The specific sections and graphs included in the Customer Snapshot depend on how your business administrator configures the template for viewing the snapshot, and the template assigned to you.

Click here to see a list of Customer Snapshot sections.

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