What's Included in the Customer Snapshot

Snapshot sections

The Customer Snapshot can include the following sections depending on how your business administrator configures the template. The table indicates if the section is available for credit implementation, collections implementation, or for both.


Customer Snapshot Section

Can show the following for the selected customer...

Available for Credit or Collections implementations?

Key Facts

Customer's Basic information, primary SIC code and its description, any customer user-defined fields, and the latest PredictiveMetrics Net30 scores.

Credit and collections

Credit Line


Information for approved and effective credit line, including the approved line amount and date, effective and expiration dates, next review dates, and analyst approving the credit line. There are links to view complete notes and more credit line details.

Credit and collection


Credit Line History

The latest three approved credit lines.

Credit and collection


The score history for the latest three successful scoring events.

Credit Only

Key Financial Ratios

Up to 25 key financial ratios for the latest two statements for the statement type set up for the template to which you are assigned. Your business administrator selects the ratios shown and the statement type as annual, interim, or any (the latest two of any kind).

If you make no selections, the default ratios are shown.

Credit Only

Summary Financials

Up to 25 summary financial line items for the latest two statements for the statement type set up for the template to which you are assigned. Your business administrator selects the line items shown and the statement type as annual, interim, or any (the latest two of any kind).

If you make no selections, the default line items are shown.

Credit Only


Decision History

The latest three transactions.

Credit Only

Bureau Reports

The latest three successful bureau events.

Credit Only

Bank References

The latest three bank reference records

Credit Only

Trade References

The latest three trade reference records.

Credit Only

Business Contacts

Up to three business contacts for the customer. This section shows the primary contact and two secondary contacts, or up to three secondary contacts, depending on what is stored for the customer.

Credit and Collections

Customer Aging Balance

The latest aging bucket totals and the percentage of total AR each bucket represents.

Credit and Collections


The latest three notes entered for the customer with individual links to view the full text of each note and any attachments.

Credit and Collections

Latest Notes

The latest note for the customer with links to view the full text of the note, and to add a new note.

Credit and Collections

Reuters Business Summary

The Business Summary section from the latest Reuters Market Snapshot pulled for the customer.

Credit Only

Reuters Financial Summary

The Financial Summary section from the latest Reuters Market Snapshot pulled for the customer.

Credit Only

Operating Characteristics

The latest three operating characteristics records.

Credit and Collections


The latest three collateral records.

Credit Only

Collection Metrics

Collection metrics for the last three periods.

Collections Only


The latest three open invoice records.

Collections Only


The latest three open disputes.

Collections Only

Business Hierarchy - Exposure & Aging Balance

Exposure and aging balance details from the customer's Business Relationship Hierarchy screen.

Credit and Collections


The latest three open promises.

Collections Only


Trend graphs can include up to 12 months of data if it is available.



The latest successful score using the scorecard selected for the customer on the Basic screen (Credit Policy field). If no scorecard is selected for the customer, then the most recent score is shown.

Credit Only

Credit Line Utilization

The latest approved and effective credit line and total AR balance. The max value is the approved credit line.

Credit and Collections

Credit Line Utilization - Hierarchy

The latest approved and effective credit line and total AR balance for the customer's business hierarchy. The max value is the approved credit line.

Credit and Collections

Score History

Successful scores from the last 12 months for the scorecard selected for the customer on the Basic screen (Credit Policy field), shown as either a line or bar chart. If no scorecard is selected for the customer on the Basic screen, then scores from the last 12 months for the scorecard used for the most recent scoring event are shown.

Credit Only

Aging Balance

Pie chart for all aging buckets.

Credit and Collections

Days Sales Outstanding Measures the average number of days to close invoices weighted by the collected amounts of those invoices. The formula for DSO is: (Total Receivables * Period Days)/MTD Sales. Where Period Days is the number of days defined for your collections period using the Collection Period feature. This metric is an indication of the time required to collect on receivables. (DSO)

DSO values from the last 12 months using either a line or bar chart.  

Collections Only

Average Days to Pay Measures the average number of days to pay for all invoices using the following formula: MTD Days Pay / MTD Payments (ADP)

ADP values from the last 12 months using either a line or bar chart.

Collections Only

Average Days Delinquent Measure the difference between the DSO and the best possible DSO calculated using the following formula: DSO- Best DSO. (ADD)

ADD values from the last 12 months using either a line or bar chart.  

Collections Only

Collections Effective Index CEI focuses on the quality of collection efforts over time by determining the percentage of open receivables an organization is able to recover or resolve within a given time period. The formula for CEI is: (Opening Total Receivables – Ending Total Receivables + MTD Sales) *100/(Opening Total Receivables – Ending Current Receivables + MTD Sales) (CEI)

CEI values from the last 12 months using either a line or bar chart.  

Collections Only

Best Days Sales Outstanding Measures all outstanding receivables in the current bucket using the following formula: (Current Receivables * Period Days)/MTD Sales. Where Period Days is the number of days defined for your collections period using the Collection Period feature. (BDSO)

BDSO values from the last 12 months by the period end date using either a line or bar chart.

Collections Only

Days Beyond Terms Amount of days beyond terms calculated as: MTD Days Late / MTD Payments. (DBT)

DBT values from the last 12 months using either a line or bar chart.

Collections Only