Editing or Deleting Filters after Generating User-Defined Reports


After you generate a report you can edit the filters to view a different subset of the report data. For example, you can edit the filters to limit the record count if the report exceeds the 2000 row limit or if the report generation takes too long. You access the screen to edit the filters directly from the screen from which you view the report.

You can run the report using the filter without saving the filter as part of the report definition, or you can save the filter so that it is used whenever the report is run.

After you generate a user-defined report you are able to add, edit, or delete filters to limit or change the data selected for the report. Filters can be saved as part of the report definition or they can be added ad hoc and used for one-time generation.

To edit filters after generating a user-defined report:

  1. From the report screen for a user-defined report, select the Edit link that appears after 'Filtered By:' at the top of the screen under the report name. The report screen appears when you generate the report by selecting the Report Name link on the Reports screen.
    The Select the Report Criteria screen displays any filters currently defined for the report.

  2. To add standard or advanced filters, see Adding Filters When Creating User-Defined Reports.

  1. To run the report using the new filters or to save the changes to the report definition, click Finish.
    The Save-Run Report screen appears.

  2. Do one or both of the following:

    • To save the filter to the report definition, click Save before clicking Run to generate the report.

    • To run the report without saving the filter to the report definition, click Run.
      The report is generated using the ad hoc filter you just added.

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