Example of Drill Down Reporting


The following is an example of drill down reporting:

Example Report Component


Level 1 (Parent) report: Exposure by Business Unit

This report list exposure data by business unit. It includes a chart that graphs total AR for each business unit. The report links to a drill down report that lists the total AR and other aging data for each customer included in the business unit sum.

The parent report always includes a chart that 'drills down' to details for the column used as the category (X axis) on the chart.

Parent report data:

In this example, AR totals and business unit are the data included in the parent level report.

What data is charted?

This report charts total AR by business unit.

To drill down into the business units, the parent level report must include a chart for one of the values included in the report by business unit (category).

Any AR value can be charted but it must be charted by business unit  to drill down into more details for the business unit.

Level 2 (drill down) report: Customer Exposure

The drill down report includes more details for the category field charted in the parent report. In this example, business unit is the category that is expanded upon.

Additional data:

The report should include the additional data that you want to drill down to. This example includes AR and credit line totals for each customer in the selected business unit.

To see the details for customers, you should include identifying information for customers. For this example, both the customer number and name are included in the report.

What filters must be included?

The drill down report must include an advanced filter that uses business unit as a criteria. The report parameters passed from the parent report will handle all the possible business unit values. You define a single condition that uses business unit as a criterion. The condition can use any value as the value used for the report is passed from the parent report at run time.

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