About creating User-Defined Reports


You can create two types of reports:

  • Summary reports that summarize report data using the calculations you specify. You can select that the data be calculated as a sum, average, minimum, maximum, or record count. The calculation choices available depend on whether the field is a number, string, or date.

  • Tabular reports that list the data you select in tables and rows without performing any summary operation on the data.

When creating reports you select columns for the report from the available data types configured by your administrator. If you have defined additional information (user-defined fields) for any of the available data types, these fields are also available to use in the report. Your administrator selects from the following data types when configuring reports.

  • AR summary

  • Addresses

  • Credit line

  • Customer

  • Customer Notes

  • Dashboard metrics

  • Decision

  • Disputes

  • eCredit Information (This is information from Cortera DIG Reports)

  • Financial

  • Invoice

  • Invoice Notes

  • Latest AR Summary  

  • PMI Net30 Score

  • Sources

  • Work Queue - Credit

  • Work Queue - Collections

  • Work Queue - History


Linking to customer and transaction information in eCredit from your user-defined report

You can link to customer and transaction information in eCredit from your user-defined report from the following columns:

Data type

Report column

Links to...


Customer #

Basic screen for the selected customer when you generate the report.


Tran #

Credit Request Details screen for the selected transaction when you generate the report.


Invoice #

Invoice Details screen for the selected invoice when you generate the report.


Adding charts to user-define reports

You can add charts to the reports you define, specifying the type of chart, the category (data on the x axis) and value (numeric data on the Y axis), the grouping, the title, location and size for the chart. If you are linking the report to a drill down report, you must include a graph in the report. More

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