About Creating Drill-Down Reports


A report can contain links to related reports that provide more details for a column in the report. These related reports that are linked to another report are called drill-down reports. A drill-down report is related to the parent report through data. The category for the parent report's chart is the data that links the two reports. You access the drill-down report by clicking the bar or line for the category in the parent report's chart. The drill-down report provides details for the bar you select. By creating drill-down reports you are able to provide several levels of detail for related data accessed within one report.

When you click on the category in the graph, the category is passed to the drill-down report as a parameter used to generate the drill-down report. To enable this, the drill-down report definition must include at least one condition that uses the parent report's graph category as a criterion for a filter.

When defining a drill-down report:

  • The parent report must include a chart

  • The parent report's chart category should be a field for which you want to view additional details

  • The drill-down report must include at least one filter condition that uses the category as a criterion. It does not matter what value you use for the condition as the category you select when accessing the repot is used as the value.

For example, you could create a summary report that gives the record count for customers in different risk categories. This report could drill-down into the customer details for each account in each risk category. The parent summary report would include a graph showing the number of accounts for each risk category. When you click on a bar in the graph, you generate a report showing the details for the customers in that category.

When creating a report that includes a drill-down report, you create the drill-down report first. Then when you create the higher level report the drill-down report is available in the Drill Down Report selection list.

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