Creating Summary Reports



  • A summary report performs calculations that summarize selected report data. The calculations you can select include sum, average, min, max, and count.

  • If the report you are creating includes a drill down report, create the drill-down report first. More

To create a summary report:

  1. From the Main menu, select Reports.
    The Reports screen appears.

  2. From the submenu under the main menu, select Create New Report.
    The Select Report Type screen appears.

  3. Select the Summary Report option button and click Next
    The Select the Report Columns - Step 2 of 5 screen appears

  4. From the Data Type column, select the category of data you want to include in the report.
    The Available Columns section fills in with the fields for the data type you select.

  5. From the Available Columns list, select a field and click the arrow pointing right.
    The field appears in the selected columns list. The fields are displayed in the report in the order in which you select them.

Note: To select all fields from the Available Column list, select the double arrow pointing to the right. To remove fields, use the left-pointing arrows.


The first column you select is used to group the report columns. For example, to create a report for Total Exposure by Business Unit, ensure that Business Unit is the first column listed in the Selected Columns section. This means that the Business Units will be listed in order, making the report easier to read and analyze.

If the report includes a Customer # column, the customer # is a link to access the customer's Basic screen.

  1. To add columns for a different data type, select the type from the Data Type list and repeat step 5.

  2. When you have added all the fields for the report, click Next.
    The Select the Information to Summarize - Step 3 of 5 screen appears.

  3. Select the summary type for the fields you want calculated. For number fields you can select Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum or Count. For string and date fields you can select count. If you do not want the field to be calculated, do not make a selection for the field.

  4. Click Next.
    The Select the Report Criteria - Step 4 of 5 screen appears.

  1. Add filters used to select the data for the report.  How?

  1. To proceed to the next screen, click Next.
    The Select the Chart Type - Step 5 of 5 screen appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If you do not want to add a chart to the report, keep the selection from the Chart Type list as None and click Finish.

    • Add a chart to the report. More

  1. To continue to the next screen, click Finish.
    The Save - Run Report screen appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name for the report that appears when you are searching for the report.

  3. In the Category list, select the category for the report. Selecting a category for a report makes it easier to locate the report.

  4. Optionally, in the Title field, enter the title that appears on the report when the report is generated.

  5. Do one or both of the following:

    • To save the report definition, click Save before clicking Run to generate the report. This means that the definition is available for future generations.

    • To run the report, click Run.
      You do not need to save the definition to run the report.

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