Creating Child Drill-Down Reports


A child drill-down report is a report that is linked to another user-defined report. The drill-down report is accessed by selecting a bar in the graph for the parent report.

A report can drill down to one or more levels of reports. When creating drill down reports you create the bottom level report first. This means that the report is available in the Drill Down Report selection list when defining the higher level report.

To create the bottom level drill down reports:

  1. From the Main menu, select Reports.
    The Reports screen appears.

  2. Select Create New Report.
    The Select Report Type screen appears.

  3. Select either the Summary Report or the Tabular Report option button and click Next.
    The Select the Report Columns - Step 2 of 5 (for Summary reports) or Step 2 of 4 (for Tabular Reports) screen appears.

  4. From the Data Type column, select the data type you want to include in the report
    The Available Columns fills in with the columns for the type you select.

Note: For a child drill down report, select the additional fields you want to drill down to from the parent report.

  1. From the Available Columns list, select a column and click the arrow pointing right.
    The column appears in the selected columns list.

Note: To select all fields from the Available Column list, select the double arrow pointing to the right.

  1. To add columns for a different data type, select the data type from the Data Type list and from the Available Column list, select a column and click on the arrow pointing right.

  2. When you have added all the columns for the report, click Next.
    For summary reports, the Select the Information to Summarize - Step 3 of 5 screen appears. For tabular reports, proceed to step 10.

  3. If this is a Summary report, select the summary type for the fields you want calculated. For number fields you can select Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum or Count. For string and date fields you can select count. For any field, if you want the data for the field to be listed without any calculation, do not make a selection for the field.

  4. Click Next.
    The Select the Report Criteria - Step 4 of 5 or Step 3 of 4 screen appears.

  5. Add filters used to select the data for the report. If this report drills down to another report, you must define filters for the report.  More See "About Creating Drill Down Reports.

  6. To proceed to the next screen, click next.
    The Select the Chart Type - Step 5 of 5 or Step 4 of 4 screen appears.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • If you do not want to add a chart to the report, keep the selection from the Chart Type list as None and Click Finish.

 Note:  Since drill down reports can have multiple level, if this child report is also a parent report that drills down to a more detailed report, you must add a chart to the report. If this report is the bottom level, a chart is not necessary.

    • Make the selections to add a chart. More

  1. When you have finished defining the chart, click Finish.
    The Save - Run Report screen appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name for the report. The name appears in the Drill Down Report list when you are creating the parent report.  

  3. In the Category list, select the category for the report. You can search for the report using the category you enter.  

  4. In the Title field, enter the title that appears on the report when the report is generated. The title identifies the type of data the report contains.

  5. To save the report definition, click Save. This means that the report will be available in the Drill Down Report drop-down list when you define the parent report.

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