Basic Information


Basic information includes identifying, account management, and business information for the customer, as well as qualitative assessments of the customer's business. You can use Basic Information to store a broad range of information, including:

  • Multiple address types for a customer, such as legal, billing, mailing, and shipping addresses. By default, the first address you enter is the legal address. This is because the automated decision process must have the legal address when pulling bureau data. You can enter only one legal address for each customer, but you can enter more than one address for any of the other types.

  • Defaults used by eCredit for the customer, such as the default financial format, portfolio, scorecard, and currency.

  • Account setup information that designates whether the customer is a nondisclosure or restricted access account More and dates that indicate when the customer should be reviewed

  • You can select the My Watch List check box in the Analysis Setup section  to add the customer to your Watch List displayed on the eCredit Home Page.

  • PredictiveMetrics Net30 score, including graphs for Net30 score trends.

You can enter and save basic information directly on the Basic Information screen, or basic information is automatically saved when you enter a credit request for a new customer. In either case, when basic information is first saved for the customer, the customer is added to the eCredit database, and all Customer features are available for the customer.

Integration with the Automated Decisions module

You can add to or change Basic Information at any time. Changes made on the Basic screen also update the corresponding information on the Credit Request Details screens for the customer.

When you are processing a credit request for an existing customer, eCredit automatically fills in the Credit Request Details screen with the basic information stored for the customer. Keeping basic information current ensures that the correct information is copied to the credit request.

Verifying businesses Using Cortera QUICKLOOK

On the Basic screen, you can verify that the customer's business exists and update the customer's address in eCredit if a different address is found. More  

Including Customers in batch scoring using Cortera BOOST

To include a customer in batch scoring using Cortera BOOST, the Include in Portfolio check box on the customer's Basic screen must be selected.

This check box can be set when you send your data to eCredit through the bulk interface, or you can manually set it for a customer. More

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