Designating Customers as Restricted Access or Nondisclosure Accounts


You can designate customers as either non-disclosure or restricted access accounts.

  • Nondisclosure accounts (NDA): Only authorized users can access customer data and credit request details for an account that is designated as nondisclosure. All unauthorized users are denied even read-only access to the account data, regardless of their role capability.

  • Restricted access accounts:

    • Only authorized users can add, edit, or delete information on the Basic screen. All unauthorized users have read-only access to that screen.

    • Only authorized users can add, edit, or delete the information on the Business Information and Address Information sections of the credit request details for an account that is designated as restricted access. Unauthorized users are limited to a read-only view of the Business Information and Address Information on the credit request details, regardless of their role capabilities.

    • Unauthorized users can submit or resubmit credit requests for any customer account designated as restricted, and can add or change contacts, references, notes, additional information, and any information in the Credit Request or Origination sections of the Credit Request Details screen.

Nondisclosure accounts and portfolios

Nondisclosure accounts are not included in portfolio calculations, and are not included as members in a portfolio.

Which users are authorized

Authorized users for Is Restricted and Nondisclosure accounts include:

  • The credit analyst for the account and the primary and secondary managers for the credit analyst

  • The secondary analyst for the account and the primary and secondary managers for the secondary analyst

  • The collector for the account and the primary and secondary managers for the collector

  • When you select the Is Restricted or Is NDA check boxes for a customer, you must designate the authorized users for the account by selecting a name from at least one of the following lists:

    • Credit Analyst

    • Secondary Analyst

    • Collector

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