About Logging Promises to Pay


During your normal collection activity, your customer may acknowledge an overdue amount and respond by making a promise to pay on a specified date. As a part of the collection process, you need to log the promise and track its outcome through the payment.

Depending on how your business administrator set up your strategies, when you add a promise, the following can occur:

  • Action items might be added to the collector's work queue.

  • Automated tasks might occur, such as e-mail might be automatically sent.

  • Your work queue totals are updated to reflect the added promise to pay.

Multi-Payment promises

Each invoice can have only one promise, but a promise can have a single payment or multiple payments over a period of  time. In eCredit, a promise to pay with multiple payments is called a multi-payment promise.

Using Copy To All

Copy To All is a link available in the row for each invoice when adding promises for multiple invoices. When you select Copy To All, eCredit enters the following:

  • The Promises Status, Promise Due Date, and note you entered for the invoice is copied to the other invoices you have selected.

  • The Promise Amount for each invoice is automatically entered as the Amount Due for the invoice minus any outstanding promises or disputes.

You can change any of the copied information.

Promise history

You can view the history of any changes you make to promises from the Promises section of the Customer Profile. You can view the promised amount, promise due date, promise status the modified date. You view this promise history by clicking the history icon .

Promise icons

When you have entered a promise for an invoice, a promise indicator is displayed in the row for any action item associated with the invoice. eCredit uses the following promise indicators:

Broken promise

Expired promise

Open effective promise

Completed promise


Promise links

Click here to see the links available from the Promises section of the screen.

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