About Adding Follow-up Actions from the Collection Activity Screen


Sometimes when you are working on your collection activities, your activities cause you to initiate more action items. The actions you initiate from other action items are called follow-up actions.

Using follow-up actions, you can:

  • add a follow-up action that replaces the existing action.

  • defer an action to a later due date.

  • add a customer or invoice note for the action.

  • change the status of the selected action to Complete.

  • use the Copy To All link to copy information entered for one action to all actions.

Follow-up and Distinct Customer Action Item View

In Distinct Customer Action Item View when you create a follow-up action, the follow-up is created for all invoices currently in your work queue that are associated with the action. This can mean that the follow-up action can be created for many invoices, such as in the following cases:

  • In Distinct customer action item view when you change the status of the action to complete, if the number of action items exceeds a maximum (1000), the completion is converted to a batch job that occurs during the nightly processing.

  • In Distinct customer action item view if the follow-up actions you create exceed 500, creating the actions and processing the action item totals can take several minutes. If this occurs, you are asked if you want to continue, or to cancel and create the follow-up later.

Notes and follow-up actions

When adding a follow-up action, you can add the following types of notes:

  • Customer Notes appear in the Notes feature found in the Customer Analysis or Automated Decisions modules, or the Customer Notes tab in the Customer Profile section on the Collection Activity screen for the customer.

  • Invoice Notes appear on the Invoice Details screen, or on the Collection Activity screen using the Notes icon when the invoice has current or past due action items in your work queue.

In Distinct customer action view, an invoice note is added to all invoices currently in your work queue for which the action is currently due or past due.

What you can do from the Action Item Follow-up screen

Click here to see a screen shot showing what you can do from the Action Item Follow-up screen.

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