Action Item Views from the Collection Activity Screen


From the Collection Activity screen, you can select from the following ways of viewing action items.

  • All: All action items assigned to you for the customer that are currently due or past due are shown.

Note: "All" is the only view from which you can add promises, disputes, or write off invoices.

  • Latest Action Item per Invoice: Only the most current action item for each invoice appears in the work queue. If there are multiple action items (current and past due) in the work queue for an invoice, this view reduces the actions that are shown.

  • Distinct Action Items: If the same action (currently due or past due) is associated with multiple invoices for the customer, the action is shown only once. For example, if several invoices have the action to 'Call Customer', only one action item for Call Customer' appears in the work queue. For accounts that have a large number of invoices, this view produces a substantial reduction in the actions shown.

Your business administrator can set a default view for a particular customer. If your administrator does not define a default for a customer, all action items are shown when you first access the customer's collections activities. Regardless of the default view, you can always switch between views as you work.

Follow-up and correspondence creation in Distinct Customer Action Item View

When you are in the 'All' or 'Latest Action Item per Invoice' views, and you create a follow-up action or generate/send correspondence, the follow-up or correspondence is created for the selected invoices. Distinct Customer Action Item view works differently because the action you are viewing can be associated with multiple invoices. In Distinct Customer Action Item view, when you generate/send correspondence or create follow-up actions, the correspondence or follow-up is created for all invoices associated with the action.

When you are in Distinct Customer Action Item view, and you generate or send correspondence, if the number of actions exceeds 500, the processing can take several minutes. You are asked if you want to continue creating the correspondence or cancel the operation so that you can continue working.

Action Items completion in Different Views

When you are in the 'All' action item view, select action items and click Complete, only the selected action items are completed.

When you complete action items in 'Latest Action Item per Invoice' view, all current and past due action items for the invoice are completed. The status of the latest action item (the action item that is displayed) is changed in the database to 'Complete', while the status of the past due action items (that are not displayed) is changed in the database to "System Completed' to indicate that these actions were not actually performed.

When you complete actions in 'Distinct Customer Action Item' view, the selected action is completed for all open invoices for the customer for which the action is currently due or past due.

In 'Distinct customer action item' view, if the number of action items exceeds a maximum number (1000 actions) the completion is converted to a batch job that occurs during the nightly processing.

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