The following screen show shows the buttons on the Collection Activity screen. The table below the screen describes the buttons and action item views the buttons are available from.



Available in this Action Item View


Opens the Promise section of the screen from which you add promise to pay information.

The All and Latest Action Item per Invoice views


Opens the Dispute section of the screen from which you add information for disputed invoices.

The All and Latest Action Item per Invoice views


By selecting invoices and clicking Reassign, you reassign all current and future action items for those invoices.

All and Latest action item per invoice views


By selecting invoices or action items, you mark action items as completed and  remove them from your work queue.


Latest action item per invoice, and

Distinct customer action item views


Enables you to create a follow-up action for actions you select. The follow-up action replaces the action you select.


Latest action item per invoice, and

Distinct customer action item views

Write Off

Enables you to select a collection agency and mark an invoice as written off.

The All view only

Generate Message

Generate a message from a correspondence action item so that you can review or edit it from the Correspondence feature.


Latest action item per invoice, and

Distinct customer action item views

Send Correspondence

Send a message for a correspondence action item without review or edit.


Latest action item per invoice, and

Distinct customer action item views

Select All/Clear All

Select all customer invoices over multiple page. Or, clear all customer invoices selected over multiple pages.


Latest action item per invoice, and

Distinct customer action item views


Cancels actions on the screen.


Latest action item per invoice, and

Distinct customer action item views