How a Notification Ruleset Works


To specify the circumstances under which different resolvers and contacts are assigned and notified, a notification event includes a group of rules known as a ruleset. A rule has one or more conditions and action parameters that specify who is assigned or notified if the conditions are satisfied. You can create more than one rule for each trigger if you want different actions to occur under different circumstances. For example, you can create rules so that different categories of disputes or dispute with different amounts are handled by different resolvers.

Defining a ruleset for a notification event is optional. For situations where you assign the same internal contact (occasional or non-eCredit user) to all disputes, you can define a default action to occur in response to one of the triggering events. The default action assigns the resolver (primary action parameter) and no rules are needed.

If you do not define a notification event, the invoice owner is always assigned as the resolver. The workgroup ruleset determines the invoice owner when the invoice is first loaded into eCredit.

When setting up the notification you select the following:

  • The trigger for the notification (dispute creation, dispute update, or a periodic evaluation of the dispute)

  • A default action that occurs if the rules you define are not able to assign a resolver. Or, if you do not define rules, the default action occurs whenever the event is triggered.

  • An action that occurs when a rule condition is met. The action describes the contact who is to be the resolver (primary action parameters) or optionally the contact to be notified of the assignment or dispute updates (secondary action parameters).

  • Optionally, the rule conditions that define the circumstances under which the action occurs.  

  • The template used to notify the resolver

  • The template used to notify the secondary contact if a secondary contact is defined

  • A default e-mail for both the dispute resolver and the secondary contact. The default contacts are notified if the contact defined for the notification does not exist for the customer or invoice having the dispute.

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