About Rules and Conditions for Dispute Notification


Trigger rules allow you to define different actions (resolvers and contacts) for different dispute types and circumstances. The rule conditions specify the conditions under which specific resolvers and contacts are assigned. You can add as many rules as necessary to define the different circumstances for which you want different assignments to be made. When defining conditions for a rule, be aware that the assignment occurs for the first condition that is satisfied.

Each rule is based on an attribute. You can select from the following attributes to define a rule:

  • Additional Reference 1

  • Additional Reference 2

  • Amount (of the Dispute)

  • Annual Revenue

  • Business Unit

  • Dispute category

  • Dispute cause

  • Days since creation (of the dispute)

  • Days since  last modified

  • Invoice Amount

  • No of Days Invoice is Created

  • No of Days Invoice is Past Due

  • No of Days Dispute in Current State

  • Reason Code

  • Status (of the dispute)

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