Reassigning Customers


You can reassign invoices from the Work Queue Summary screen, Collection Activity screen, or from the Invoices screen. Here are the differences:

To reassign…

 Then reassign from ...

all invoices for the customer currently in the work queue for the collector whose work queue you are in

Work Queue Summary

selected invoices that have action items currently due or past due

Collection Activity

selected open invoice for a customer, even if the invoice does not currently have an action item due

Invoices feature (Customer Analysis module)


To reassign customers or invoices, you must be assigned to a role that includes the capability to reassign customers, and one or both of the following must apply:

  • You are part of a business role that includes this capability. You can reassign customers to the users who are assigned to this same business role.

  • You can reassign customers or invoices to the users for whom you are the primary or secondary manager.

If the number of invoices associated with the customers you select to reassign is greater than 250:

  • A message appears informing you that the customer will be reassigned as a batch job during the nightly processing.

  • The customer's name appears in green text to indicate that the customer is scheduled for bulk reassignment.

  • The Work Queue totals are updated only after the batch process occurs.

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