Reassigning Customers from Collection Activity


To reassign from Collection Activity:

  1. Access the collection activities. How?

  2. If you are in the Distinct customer action items view, select either All or Latest action item per invoice from the Action Item View list and click Search.

Note: You cannot reassign invoices when you are in the Distinct customer action items view.

  1. Select the check boxes in the rows for the invoices that you want to reassign, and click Reassign (you can select invoices from multiple pages). To reassign all invoices across all pages, click Select All.

A list displays collectors for whom you are the primary or secondary manager and collectors who are assigned to the same Business Role as you if the role includes the capability to reassign work queue items.

  1. Select another collector to handle the selected invoices, and click Assign.
    Current and future action items for the selected invoices are now assigned to the selected user.