Working with Financials


Using the Financial Analysis feature, customer financial statements are entered in either the global format (US Long) supplied by eCredit, or in a custom format if one is defined for your implementation. Before entering a financial statement, you must specify the format for the customer in the Analysis Setup section of the Basic screen.

Using Financial Analysis you can:

  • Add up to three financial statements at one time with the option to display a prior statement on the screen while entering new statements.

  • Hide columns while entering new statements.

  • Use a pop-up calculator to calculate line items and then paste the total into the financial statement.

  • View up to three statements at a time for comparison. When displaying more than one statement, eCredit includes a % Variance column indicating the percentage of change for a line item in comparison to that line item in the previous statement.

  • When converting financial statement currency in comparison view, you can select to convert each statement using its statement conversion date, or to convert all the statements using a conversion date you select.

  • Generate a cash flow statement from any statement period and the previous statement period.

  • Set up eCredit to verify that the balance sheet entry for Total Assets is equal to the sum of Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity. You set up this verification by selecting Check Balance Sheet when adding the financial statement.

  • Enter adjustment numbers for operational, investment, and financing cash flow.

  • Generate Expert Comments Expert Comments provide commentary and graphs that describe a customer's performance in comparison to industry or peer group standards established by the data in a Financial Norms or Standard portfolio. To generate the Expert Comments, eCredit compares the financial statement data that you enter for a customer to the standard portfolio data. that compare the customer's financial data to a Financial Benchmark A portfolio that aggregates financial statement data for a group of customers from eCredit database. You define rules to select the customers included in the portfolio. eCredit calculates an average financial statement and cash flow statement, and the quintile distribution for the ratios for the portfolio members. You can use this as benchmarks when analyzing risk for customers that are comparable to the portfolio members. or Standard portfolio A standard portfolio stores the percentile distribution for financial ratios obtained from external databases of industry standards. This distribution is used to generate Expert Comments through the Financial Analysis feature. You use the Portfolio Management module to enter standard portfolios..  

  • Compare a customer's financial and cash flow statements to the averages for a Financial Benchmark portfolio. To view this comparison, the customer must use the same financial format as the portfolio.

  • Calculate Year-To-Date values for interim statements when in comparison view.

  • View custom cash flow and comparative financial statements in the Global US Long format.

  • Disable the calculation of cash flow and ratios for statements that do not include both an income statement and a balance sheet.

  • Disable the calculation of summary line items for downloaded abridged financial statements.  More

  • View financial statements in different units, or in any currency stored on your system.

  • Generate a Financial Profile Report based on your portfolio data, if you are using eCredit to define portfolios. You can generate a Financial Profile Report from the Financial screen or from the Financial Comparison screen, enabling you to convert the financials to a different currency before generating the report.

  • Export a single or multiple financial statements to an Excel spreadsheet. You can also export portfolio data, if available, to the spreadsheet.

  • Add comments to financial statements and cash flow statements.

  • Print all visible columns for financial statements, cash flow statements, and financial statements in comparison view.

  • Delete financial statements.

How statements are added

You can manually enter statements, or download the statements from Reuters® Fundamentals™, if a Reuters subscription is included as part of your eCredit implementation. Reuters is a global provider of financial statements and reports for publicly traded companies.

You can view a previous statement when entering a new statement so that the prior values are on the screen as a guide. Each field has a built-in calculator to help you make your entries.

eCredit calculations

When you manually enter line items for a statement, eCredit calculates totals and ratios when you click Save. When you download a statement from Reuters, eCredit calculates the ratios as part of the download.

'What If' analysis

When doing 'What If' analysis, you can make financial statement entries and click Calculate to see the effect the entries have on ratios without saving the data to the database. You can then print the screen.

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