External Financials


Having access to the most current and complete financial information is critical to customer risk analysis. eCredit can provide you with real-time access to Reuters, a leading provider of financial information for publicly traded businesses. If a Reuters subscription is included as part of your eCredit implementation, you can use eCredit to request the following products from Reuters® (formerly Multex) Fundamentals™:

To request this information from Reuters, your business administrator must selects these Reuters products using the Bureau Products feature of the Admin module. To automate the request, your business administrator must enter the Reuters login information using the Bureau Logins feature.

Financial information from Reuters can be requested and used in the following ways:

  • eCredit can design your automated decision processes to request financial statements from Reuters, and to use data from the request in the scorecard used by the process.

  • Your eCredit implementation can be set up to request financial statements automatically through the Process Automation Engine (PAE), and to automatically download the statements to eCredit.

  • You can use the External Financials feature to manually request financial statements and business information as needed, and to download statements to eCredit.

The External Financials feature facilitates your analysis by streamlining your real-time access to financial statement data and critical business information, and integrating this information with eCredit's financial analysis tools.

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