Working with Significant Developments


Significant Developments summarize significant recent news articles about the company. These articles deal with activities that could have a substantial impact on the company, such as acquisitions, new products, joint ventures, strategic alliances, or structured reorganizations. Significant Developments are part of the Reuters Business Intelligence service from Reuters.

To ensure that you receive the information most relevant to your analysis, you can request Significant Developments by specific topics, significance level, and time periods. You can request a maximum of 100 significant development news items in one request. To access more than 100 items, you can enter multiple requests targeted to specific time frames.

eCredit displays Significant Developments as headlines with the most recent articles displayed at the top of the screen. The headline indicates the source for the news item. You can select the headline to view a summary of the article, or you can select the Show All link to display summaries for all news items.

If you are use Company Lookup to request the statements, the Report No is automatically filled in when submitting the request. More

If you do not use Company Lookup, when you submit requests for Significant Developments, eCredit can facilitate the request by automatically filling in the Ticker Symbol if you enter it on the customer's Basic screen.

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