Locating and Tracking Disputes


You can search for disputes and then track the dispute resolution by viewing:  

  • dispute details, including the date the dispute was assigned its current status.

  • the history for changes made to disputes.

  • resolved disputes.

To access a dispute in the Dispute Management module, you must be an eCredit user assigned to a role that includes the capability to search and view disputes and you must be one of the following:

  • Dispute resolver

  • The primary or secondary manager for the dispute resolver

  • Assigned to the same business role as the resolver, and the business role must include the capability to access other work queues.

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Procedure: Viewing resolved disputes

To view resolved disputes:

  1. From the Main menu, select Dispute Management.
    The Search Dispute screen displays a list of pending disputes for which you are the resolver The resolver is the contact defined by the notification setup who is assigned to resolve the dispute. If you do not set up a notification ruleset, then the invoice owner is assigned as the resolver..

  2. From the Status list, select Dispute Resolved, Dispute Resolved with Balance, or Dispute Partially Resolved, and click Search.
    The Search Results section displays the disputes that match the status you select.

  1. In the Dispute # column, select the dispute number for the resolved dispute.
    The Dispute Details screen appears.

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