Navigating in the Customer Analysis Module


You navigate in the Customer Analysis module using the:

  • Customer Search screen

  • Tab links on Customer screens

Customer Search screen

You locate customers by entering search information for the customer on the Customer Search screen. Once you locate customers in Search Results, you can:

  • select the link in the Customer Name column to access the Basic screen for the customer, and links to all information stored for the customer.

  • create a work queue task by selecting the check box in the row for the customer, and clicking the Move to Work Queue button.

The following screen shot shows the Search Results section of the Customer Search screen:

View an image of the Search Results section of the Customer Search screen with the links it provides to the work queue for credit analysis.

Tab Links on customer screens

When you access the customer's record, you can use the tab links at the side of any screen for the customer to access:  

  • all information for the customer.

  • all credit requests for a customer without performing an additional search. You access credit requests by selecting the Credit Requests tab link.

The following screen shot shows the tab links at the side of each screen for a customer. The selections that appear depend on the capabilities included in the role you are assigned to.

View an image of the tab links at the side of any customer screen.

All screens for the customer also have links in a tab at the top of the screen. You can use these links to:

  • view your work queue tasks for the customer.

  • create a work queue task for the customer.

The following screen shot shows the links in the tab at the top of each screen for a customer:

View an image of the links in the Action list at the top of customer screens.

For more information on customer work queue tasks, see Managing Customer Tasks.

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