Automated Decisions


Automated Decisions is a module of the eCredit application that uses an automated process to render credit decisions and create work queue tasks. The eCredit Professional Service Organization customizes this process to reflect your credit policies and workflow.

With the appropriate access privileges, from the Automated Decisions module you can

  • Submit credit requests to get automatic decisions

  • Review decision information

  • Change the decision, and other information, such as the decision state The decision state describes where the credit request is in the decision process. For example, if the automated decision process cannot establish a decision, the decision state for that request could be Refer. Your automated decision process can generate the Decision, Decision State, and the Decision Status, or you can manually enter it., decision status The decision status describes why the credit request has the decision state that is assigned to it, informing you of the next step needed to complete the request. For example, the Decision state could be Conditional Approval. For this state, the status would describe why the approval is conditional, such as financials needed, or collateral needed. Your automated decision process can generate the Decision, Decision State, and the Decision Status, or you can manually enter it., the approval amount, and expiration dates

  • Change request details and resubmit the request

  • View the history of changes made to credit request decisions

  • Add notes or attachments to document the approval process

  • Create work queue tasks for credit requests

  • Reassign credit requests

  • Enter additional information defined by your business administrator

  • Create messages using your custom credit transaction templates

What happens when you submit credit request

When you submit a credit request, the following occur:

  • The automated decision process evaluates the request using the credit policy your business administrator has defined.

  • Requests are automatically approved or denied, or referred to a credit analyst for review

  • Links to decision information appear on the screen, such as:

    • scores

    • bureau data

    • InfoLink reports

    • a list of similars from the credit bureau

  • Work queue tasks or e-mail notification of the decision can be sent

  • A review notification schedule can be set up according to your credit policies


Your custom process determines business administrator selects the users who receive notifications. Notifications can be in the form of a work queue task, an e-mail, or both. Notifications can be sent to:

  • the credit request originator

  • credit analyst

  • sales representative

  • other specified contact

Account review

Your custom process can be set up to automatically remind you when an account needs review. The process rules determine what triggers account review.

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