Working with Additional Information


Additional information fields can appear in the:

  • Additional Information section of eCredit screens

  • Additional Information feature

Your business administrator can customize certain standard eCredit screens by adding additional fields to them. In most cases, if your business administrator defines fields for these screens, the fields appear in the Additional Information section. On the Credit Request Details and Create New Credit Request screens the additional information appears in the relevant section of the screen. On these screens, the fields can appear in the Business Information, Credit Request, or Origination Information sections.

Certain eCredit screens have a related screen in the Automated Decisions or Customer Analysis module. Related screens display some of the same information. If a screen has a related screen, then your business administrator can define the additional information so that it appears in both modules, or in only one of the modules.

The following table shows the eCredit screens that can display additional information if your business administrator defines fields for the screen. The table also indicates if the screen, or section of the screen, has a related screen in another module that can display the same additional information. To view information that appears in both modules, users must have access privileges to the modules.

Note:  The Credit Request Details and Create New Credit Request screens can have additional information in three sections. Each of these sections corresponds to a different screen in the Customer Analysis module. The following table indicates the screens that correspond to these sections.

Additional Information fields on this Automated Decisions module screen/section

Might also appear on this Customer Analysis module screen

Business Information section of the Create New Credit Request and Credit Request Details screens


Bank Reference Details (accessed from the Credit Request Details or Create New Credit Request screens)

Bank Reference Details


Trade Reference Details (accessed from the Credit Request Details or Create New Credit Request screens)

Trade Reference Details


Contact Details (accessed from the Credit Request Details or Create New Credit Request screens)

Contact Details


None (No corresponding Automated Decisions screen)

Credit Line Details


Credit Request section of the Credit Request Details and Create New Credit Request screens (additional information for this section varies depending on the credit request type you select)



None (No corresponding Customer Analysis screen)

None (No corresponding Automated Decisions screen)

Customer Status Details

Origination section of the Credit Request Details or Create New Credit Request screens

None (No corresponding Customer Analysis screen)

None (No corresponding Automated Decisions screen)

Collateral Details (additional information for this screen varies depending on the collateral category and type you select)

None (No corresponding Automated Decisions screen)

Guarantor Details

You enter, change, and delete additional information on standard eCredit screens in the same way that you maintain any information on the screen.

Additional Information feature

Using the Additional Information feature you can enter and change additional information that is associated with entities When your business administrator defines additional (custom) information for eCredit, the information is associated with either a standard screen, referred to as a standard entity, or with a user-defined entity. the eCredit Professional Services Organization creates for you. eCredit creates these entities to organize additional information that is not related to the information stored on any of the eCredit screens that can be customized.

For example, if your workflow requires leasing information, eCredit could define an entity to store the leasing information. You would then view and enter information for the user-defined leasing entity through the Additional Information feature.

The Additional Information feature is available through both the Customer Analysis and the Automated Decision modules. For each entity, your business administrator specifies whether the entity appears in both these modules, or only in one of them.

The entities defined for you appear in the Entities list on the Additional Information screen, and on the Create New Credit Request screen. On the Create New Credit Request screen an Additional Information section displays the entities defined by your business administrator. This enables you to enter this additional information when you enter information for the credit request. After the credit request is processed, you view this information on the Additional screen by selecting the Additional Information tab for the credit request.

An entity is defined to allow either a single record of the fields for the entity for each customer or credit request, or to allow a specific number of multiple records. You can delete additional information associated with entities that are defined to have multiple records after the maximum number of records has been created. You cannot delete additional information that is defined to have a single record. Instead, you modify the existing record when you need to make changes.

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