Setting Up Users and User Roles


To set up your users in eCredit, as the administrator you:

  • Review the generic roles that come with eCredit to determine if these roles include the capabilities users need to perform their jobs. You can:

    • use the generic roles 'as is'.

    • modify the roles to meet your needs.

    • create new roles.

  • Add your users in eCredit, including assigning the user to the access roles that give them the capabilities appropriate for their jobs.

  • Optionally, assign users to business roles.

About access and business roles

You assign users to an Access role that determines the eCredit features and capabilities that the user has available when they log in. Users can be assigned multiple access roles to accomplish their tasks.

Optionally, you can also assign users to a Business role. When you assign users to the same Business role, this designates them as work queue peers who are able to perform the capabilities included in the role with each other. Business roles can include any of the following capabilities:

Business Role Capability

Users with this capability can...

Access Peer's Work Queue


Search for and view action items in another user's collections or credit work queue, if the other user is assigned the same Business role that includes this capability.  You can also access the disputes in the Dispute Management module that are assigned to these users.

Assign/Reassign Work Queue tasks to Peer group

Assign customers or invoices to other users who are assigned to the same business role that includes this capability.

How access roles work

User Access roles consist of capabilities that determine the access privileges for the users assigned to that role. There are capabilities for each eCredit feature, enabling you to:

  • remove or add access to a feature for users assigned to that role.

  • limit the user to read-only access.

  • grant write privileges so that the user can add new records and save modifications to existing records.

  • grant or deny the ability to delete records.

For example, to give a user read-only access to bank references, create a role that has the capability to View Bank Reference list and View Bank Reference detail, but not the capabilities to add, delete, or save bank references.

Access roles provided with eCredit

eCredit provides seven generic user roles: Admin, Source Admin, Sales Rep, Credit Analyst, Collector, Strategist, and Dispute Resolver. Using the Admin role, the subscriber system administrator can change these generic roles, or add new roles to meet the requirements of your workflow.

Click here to see a description of what each role includes.

Reports as role capabilities

Each eCredit report has an associated capability that must be included in a user's role to enable the user to generate that report. You view these report capabilities by selecting Reports from the Applications Modules list on the Role Details screen. You can include the capability to generate any or all of these reports in a role, giving you control over which users can generate each report.

The three standard credit reports are included in the Credit Analyst and Collector, but not the Sales Rep role.

If a user creates an ad hoc report, that report is automatically created as a capability and automatically added to the user's role. To enable another user to generate that ad hoc report, add that report as a capability to the user's role.

If you want only a subset of users assigned to a role to generate a report, create a separate Access role that includes the capability to generate the report, and add that role to only the users you want to generate the report.

Role capabilities determine the landing screen when you select customers

You can make the Customer Snapshot the first screen that appears when users select a customer by giving the user two capabilities: View Customer Snapshot and Make customer snapshot default landing screen.

To give the user access to the Customer Snapshot, but have the Basic screen first appear when users select customers, give the user the View Customer Snapshot capability without the Make customer snapshot default landing screen capability.

Having the default landing screen as a role capability gives you the flexibility to assign the landing page to targeted users.

Password requirements

When an administrator adds a user, or when a user changes their password, the password must meet the following requirements:

  • Passwords must have at least seven and not more than fifteen characters.

  • Passwords must include a mix of letters and numbers.

  • Passwords must include one of the following special characters: ! @ # $ % &

  • When your password expires, you cannot reuse a password that is the same as your last x number of passwords. This number can be from 5 to 99 and is determined by your business administrator.

When your password expires you must change the password or you are not able to continue using the application.

About the source Admin role

When you add a source Sources are your internal or external sales channels that originate credit requests. External sources include vendors, dealers, distributors, and value added resellers that are directly or indirectly involved in selling your products. Internal sources include direct sales representatives, branch, or regional offices. When setting up sources in eCredit, you can control the degree of access that your sources have to each other's customers and transactions, and the user roles that the source admin can assign to source users., you must create a user for the source administrator. We recommend that you limit the Source Admin role to the administrative capabilities included in the generic Source Admin role. This ensures that the credit policies for the subscriber organization are consistently applied across sources.

If you are the administrator for a source that originates credit requests for the eCredit subscriber, the administrator for the subscriber determines your administrative capabilities and the roles available to you for user assignment.

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