About Selecting Attributes for Strategy Rules


When defining a segment ruleset, first consider the attributes that are associated with each segment, and map these attributes to the attributes available for rules. For example, if you handle invoices differently based on payment history, create a rule based on Expected Pay Experience, or Actual Pay. If you handle invoices differently based on region, create a rule based on Invoice Region or Customer Region.

When you define a workgroup ruleset, consider the attributes that you used to create the workgroups, and map these attributes to the attributes available for rules. For example, if you assign invoices to workgroups based on who the customer is, create a rule based on the Customer Name attribute.

The following is the list of attributes available to you when defining rules. The attributes include customer, invoice, and accounts receivable data. If your implementation includes an interface for sending user-defined data through the Customer or Open Invoices interface, you can select this user-defined data as attributes. You create a rule for each attribute that is a factor in your segment or workgroup assignments.

  • ADP (Average Days to Pay)

  • Account Status

  • Actual Pay Experience

  • Aging Bucket 1-10

  • Annual Revenue

  • Bad Debt

  • Bankruptcy Indicator

  • Business Entity Level

  • Business Type

  • Business Unit

  • CEI (Collection Effectiveness Index)

  • Checking Balance

  • Collector

  • Credit Line

  • Credit Rating

  • Current A/R

  • Customer Account Number

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Region

  • DBT (Days Beyond Terms)

  • DSO (Days Sales Outstanding)

  • Days as Customer

  • Days in Business

  • Days Since Invoice Creation

  • Expected Pay Experience

  • Industry Grouping

  • Invoice Amount

  • Invoice Past Due in Days

  • Invoice Region

  • Last Sale in Days

  • Legal Entity Level

  • Net30 Score

  • Net30 Score Model2

  • Net Worth

  • Payment Matrix 1-10

  • Percentage Past Due

  • Product Line

  • Reason Code

  • Risk Score

  • Sic Code

  • Terms

  • Total A/R

  • Total Past Due

  • Unbilled A/R

  • Weighted Score

  • User-defined fields if you are sending them



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