Rulesets for Strategies

The Ruleset feature

As the strategist for your collections policy administration, you use the Ruleset feature to define two rulesets that determine invoice assignments to segments A grouping of invoices that you collect from in a similar way. and to workgroups Collectors who are grouped together because they all have the skills to handle a particular classification of invoices.. These rulesets consist of one or more rules. Each rule is based on a customer, Accounts Receivable, or invoice attribute and one or more conditions. You define the workgroups and segments that meet your business requirements, and then define a segment ruleset and a workgroup ruleset to ensure that new invoices are properly assigned to these workgroups and segments.

Workgroups and segments must each have one active  assignment ruleset. When you have completed a ruleset definition, for live operation, you promote the ruleset to active status. This promotion automatically deactivates any ruleset that was previously promoted.

Open invoices are assigned to a segment and to a workgroup when they first enter eCredit. eCredit makes this assignment only once through the invoice interface, although a collector can be given the capability to reassign a customer or invoice to another collector at any time.

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