Adding Work Queue Tasks and Action Items from the Work Queue


The automated decision process can automatically populate your work queue with tasks based on work assignment rules defined in the process. You can also add tasks as needed. You can add tasks when working in the Customer Analysis, Automated Decision or Work Queue modules.

About user, customer, and transaction tasks

When you add tasks directly from the Work Queue module, the task is associated with the user assigned to the task. When a task is assigned to a user, you can search for the task by selecting the User name on the Work Queue Search screen.

To associate the task with a specific customer or credit request, you first locate the customer or credit requests and then move to the Work Queue module. If a work queue task is associated with a customer or credit request, users can locate the task by searching by the customer or transaction number, or by the name of the user who created the task.

About assigning tasks

You can assign tasks to yourself or another user if you have that capability. More You can also add a task and assign it later. These tasks are Unassigned and can be located by selecting Unassigned from the User list on the Work Queue Search screen.


When a task is added to an analyst's work queue, it can be assigned a priority either by the process or the user, depending on how the task is created. The priority helps analysts organize their work. Priority can be selected as high, medium, or low.

About action items

Optionally, tasks can have action items associated with them. Action items further define a task by breaking the task down into its component actions. You can add any action item to any task in your work queue, or to any task you are adding to another user's work queue. Your business administrator can define a task to have specific action items that are always associated with the task. These associated action items are always added to a user's work queue when the task is added.

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