Business Contacts


Customer Business Contacts are a type of contact stored in eCredit that:

  • are individuals who are external to your organization.

  • act as information sources for your customer's business.

  • are associated with customers when you enter business contacts through the Customer Analysis module or the Automated Decisions module, or when the contact is sent through the bulk interface.

  • can be viewed in the:

  •  Business Contacts feature.

  • Customer Profile section of the Collection Activity screen.

Invoice Business contacts are associated with invoices using the Invoices feature (Customer Analysis module). You view invoice business contacts on the Invoices details screen or on the Collection Activity screen by clicking the contacts icon.

How business contacts are used

When you enter business contact information

  • You maintain multiple contact records for a customer in a single central location.

  • The e-mail and fax addresses you enter can be selected when sending e-mail using the Correspondence feature

  • Your eCredit Business Administrator can define rules that use the Contact Type and Is Primary designation when selecting the contact to receive:

    • Dispute notifications

    • Messages generated by strategies

Business contact information

Business contacts must have a:

  • category that indicates the role the contacts performs, such as bank, company representative, or sales.

  • first and last name.

Optionally, you can include:

  • other contact information, such as address, phone, and e-mail.

  • a designation for the contact as being primary for the customer.

About the primary contact

You can designate only one contact as the  primary contact for the customer. If you have a license for collections, the Is Primary designation can be used when selecting contacts for sending correspondence.

Integration with the Automated Decisions module

Using the Business Contacts feature, you can view contacts added for a credit request along with contacts added for the customer using the Business Contacts feature.

If the contact has a Tran # on the Contacts screen, the contact was entered for a credit request.

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