Reviewing Customer Profile Information


The Customer Profile enables you to view information for the customer, not just information for the invoices currently in your work queue.

To review customer profile information:

  1. Access the collection activities. How?

  2. Select the tabs to see the Customer Profile information. The following table describes the information available from each tab.

Select this tab in the Customer Profile section...

To view this information for the customer...

Customer Notes

Notes entered for the customer. These notes include any notes entered using the Notes feature of the Customer Analysis feature, or through the Follow-up Action screen when selecting Customer for the note type.

Note: There are links to enable you to add or edit a customer note from this tab. More

Quick Tips

Helpful information about a customer that is viewable to all eCredit users. A star appears on the Quick Tips tab alerting users that this information exists for a customer.   

You can enter up to 250 characters for each quick tip. You can also add and delete quick tips if your administrator has assigned you the appropriate user capabilities.


Any promises that are due in the future for the customer. You can enter dates in the From Date and To Date boxes and click Search to view promises that were due in the past.

Note: You can use the links in the Invoice # column to access details for the invoices associated with the promises.


Any pending or resolved disputes for any open invoice for the customer. You can use the links in the Invoice # column to access details for the invoices involved in the dispute.


The customer's Aging information as a table and as a graph.

Note: If you are sending your data by business unit, to view aging for a single business unit, select the business unit from the Business Unit list.
The screen refreshes to display the aging data and graph for only the selected business unit.

Collection Metrics

The collection metric statistics to use as a reference point for evaluating the customer’s payment trends. The screen displays the metrics for the collection periods selected from the Periods list. Your eCredit Business Administrator defines your collections periods. To view graphs for the metrics, click Graph.
The screen refreshes to display a graph for each metric.

Note: If you are sending your data by business unit, to view metrics for a business unit, select the business unit from the Business Unit list.
The screen refreshes to display the metrics for only the selected business unit.

Look Ahead

To view upcoming action items for a customer:

Enter a From Date and To Date in the date fields, and click Search.
The screen refreshes to display all action items for the customer for the time frame you enter.


The last 10 payment records for a customer listed in descending order based on payment date. You can search for a payment record by payment date and invoice number.


The business and internal contacts entered for the customer. To edit the contact, click view/edit in the row for the contact.

Customer Links

Any Web links entered for the custom using the Web Links feature of the Customer Analysis module.

Written Off

Any invoices that have been written off. Click the link in the Invoice # column to view invoice details for the write off.