Work Queue Search Screen

Description of fields



Search By

Customer #

Number used to identify the customer in the eCredit database.

Customer Name

Customer's legal name as it is entered on the Basic Information screen for the customer.


Select the priority for the tasks you want to locate.


Select the region where the customer is located.

Start Due Date/End Due Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Select the start and end due dates for the time frame you want to use in the search. All work queue tasks with due dates that are included in the time frame you specify are included in the Search Results.


Select the work queue task status. The status can be Pending, or Completed.


Select the work queue task for the process you select from the Work Queue Process field.

Tran #

The number eCredit assigns to a credit request when it is created. The presence of a number in this column indicates that the work queue task was created for a credit request.


Select the user assigned to the task. The list contains the user currently logged on, and all users who have the logged on user as their primary or secondary manager. The list also includes all users who are assigned to the same business role as you, if the business role includes the capability of accessing  peers' work queues.

The list also includes Unassigned and All. Use Unassigned to locate all unassigned work queue tasks. Use All to see customers with action items assigned to any user (up to a maximum of 999)

Note: If you are a user for an external source or for an internal source that does not have access to all users, when you select Unassigned from the User list, eCredit searches for only unassigned tasks for customer accounts that are associated with your source organization. If you are a subscriber user or a user for an internal source that has access to all users, when you select Unassigned from the User list, eCredit searches for unassigned tasks associated with all customers.

Work Queue Process

Name of the work queue process A work queue process organizes tasks for a specific category of your workflow, such as credit approval, credit allocation, or establishing a new customer. Your eCredit business administrator defines work queue processes and their associated tasks and activities using the Admin module. In the Work Queue module, when users are adding a task, they must first select the work queue process, and then select from the tasks available for the selected process. associated with the task.

Search Results

Note: The Search Results section initially displays work queue tasks with the tasks with the oldest due dates listed first. When you click any underlined column header the list sorts by that information in ascending order. A second click sorts in descending order.

You can also customize the information that is displayed in the Search Results section by adding or removing columns, and renaming optional column display labels. The Admin user role is required to customize the Search Results section.  More   

# of Action Items

The number of action items that are associated with a task.


Provides links for quick access to information about the customer. Boldface font indicates that data is available for the customer.

Customer #

Number used to identify the customer in the eCredit database

Customer Name

Customer's legal name as it is entered on the Basic screen (Customer Information tab) for the customer.

Due Date

Date by which the task must be completed.


Priority assigned to this task. A user can assign a priority, or  the automated process can assign the priority when adding a task to an analyst's work queue.


Region where the customer is located.


Status of the task, such as Complete or Pending.


Work queue task associated with the work queue process.

Tran #

Number of the transaction, if any, for which the task was created.


User who is assigned to the task.

Work Queue Process

Name of the work queue process associated with the task.