Setting up Display Labels


The Display Labels feature enables you to customize the data that displays on certain screens. This feature works differently for the AR Summary screen and for the other screens available for customizing.

Configuring Activity, Totals, and Search Results screens

For the Collection Activity, Work Queue Summary -Totals, Work Queue Summary - Results, Credit Request Search - Results, Customer Search - Results, Search Dispute - Results, Work Queue Search - Results, Invoices - Search Results, and Aging Balance - Customer Snapshot screens, the Display Labels feature enables you to select the data that appears on the screens and to customize the way it displays. For these screens, you can:

  • Select to either display or hide the fields available for customizing.

  • Change the display label for any field you select to appear.

  • Change the display order for any field you choose to display.

  • Change the default sort order if the field appears in a sortable column.  A user can change the default sort order by clicking the column header.

Note:  For the Work Queue Summary - Totals, the Sort Order selection is not used as these fields do not appear in a sortable column.

The Work Queue Summary - Results, Collection Activity, Invoice - Search Results, and Aging Balance - Customer Snapshot screens have certain required fields that are always displayed. These required fields cannot be configured through the Display Labels feature.

The following table lists the fields that are required and the number of additional fields you can select for these screens.


Required Fields - You cannot configure these fields

Number of fields you can select and customize

Work Queue Summary Totals

There are no required fields for the Work Queue Summary totals. You can select as many of the fields as your workflow requires.

As many of the following fields as you need:

  • Currency

  • Number of Actions Past Due

  • Total Actions

  • Total Broken Promises

  • Total Credit Limit

  • Total Customers

  • Total Disputed

  • Total Promised

Work Queue Summary - Results

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Number

  • Go To column that provides quick navigation links to Collection Activity

7 of the following fields:

  • # of Past Due Invoices

  • Aging Current

  • Current Invoices

  • Oldest Aging Bucket

  • Past Due Amount (Days) A total amount past due that your business administrator can customize by entering the number of days past due an invoice must have to be included in this total, and whether the field is calculated as of the current date, or as of the end date of the current period. This amount can be customized for all customers (Aging Bucket Setup feature), and for particular customers (Special Account Setup). The (Days) is the number of days past due used to calculate the field. This field appears on the Work Queue Summary screen if your business administrator selects it.

  • Promise Date

  • Priority

  • Region

  • Total Actions

  • Total A/R Balance

  • Total Broken Promise

  • Total Credit Limit

  • Total Disputed

  • Total Invoice

  • Total Past Due

  • Total Promised 

Collection Activity

  • Invoice #

  • Invoice Date

  • Amount Due

  • Currency

  • Due Date

  • Action Item

  • links for Notes, Contacts, and History

3 of the following fields:

  • Business Unit

  • DBT

  • Local Amount The invoice amount in the currency used for the invoice transaction. This is useful when the invoice transaction uses a different currency than your accounts receivable system.

  • Local Amount Due The invoice amount due in the currency used for the invoice transaction. This is useful when the invoice transaction uses a different currency than your accounts receivable system.

  • Local Currency The currency used for the invoice transaction. This can be useful when the invoice transaction uses a different currency than your accounts receivable system.

  • Priority

  • Terms

  • PO #

  • Invoice Additional Information 1 - 4

Credit Request Search - Results

  • Trans #

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Number

  • Owned By

  • Date

  • Decision

  • Action column that provides quick navigation links to customer information and transactions

7 of the following fields:

  • Source Name

  • Country

  • State

  • Decision State

  • Decision Status

  • Credit Request Type

  • Amount Requested

  • Amount Approved

Customer Search -  Results

  • Customer Name

  • Customer #

  • Analyst

  • Account Status

  • City

  • Action column that provides quick navigation links to customer information

7 of the following fields:

  • Doing Business As
    Source Name

  • Duns #

  • Experian BIN

  • Legal Entity Level


  • Business Entity Level

  • Customer (check box)

  • Guarantor (check box)

  • Total AR

  • Rating

  • Score

  • Modified Date

Search Dispute -  Results

  • Notes

  • Dispute #

  • Customer #

  • Customer Name

  • Invoice #

  • Dispute Amount

  • Cause

  • Category

  • Dispute Status

5 of the following fields:

  • Type

  • Primary Resolver

  • Modified Date

  • Created Date

  • Follow-up Date

  • Invoice Date

  • Invoice Amount

  • Amount Due

  • Due Date

  • Aging Days

  • Terms

  • Business Unit

  • PO #

  • Additional Ref1 - 4

Work Queue Search - Results

  • Task

  • Status

  • Due Date

  • Customer Name

  • Customer #

  • Tran #

  • User

7 of the following fields:

  • Work Queue Process

  • Priority

  • Region

  • # of Action Items

  • Decision

  • Decision State

  • Decision Status

  • Transaction Score

  • Customer Score

Invoice - Search Results

  • Invoice #

  • Invoice Date

  • Invoice Amount

  • Amount Due

  • Due Date

5 of the following fields:

  • Additional Information 1 - 4

  • Aging Bucket

  • Aging Days

  • Business Unit

  • Currency

  • Local Amount The invoice amount in the currency used for the invoice transaction. This is useful when the invoice transaction uses a different currency than your accounts receivable system.

  • Local Amount Due The invoice amount due in the currency used for the invoice transaction. This is useful when the invoice transaction uses a different currency than your accounts receivable system.

  • Local Currency The currency used for the invoice transaction. This can be useful when the invoice transaction uses a different currency than your accounts receivable system.

  • Purchase Order #

  • Sales Order #

  • Strategy

  • Terms


About Configuring the AR Summary Screen

For the AR Summary screen you can use Display Labels to:

  • Change the display labels for the aging bucket and performance data only.

  • Select the field used to sort the records on the AR Data - Search Results section. The field you assign to display order 1 is the field used to sort data on the screen. You can then select Ascending or Descending for the field with display order 1 to determine its sort order.

Note:  For AR Summary, you do not select the data that appears on the AR Summary screen or the display order for the fields.

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