Searching for Customers from the Work Queue Summary Screen


To search for customers on the Work Queue Summary screen:

  1. From the Main menu, select Work Queue.
    The Work Queue Summary screen displays the customers in your work queue for whom you have current or overdue action items. The list is sorted by action item priority (the customer with the most high priority action items will be listed first) and then by customer name. The Priority column lists the highest priority for any action item for the customer.

  1. At the top of the screen, you can select any of the following as search criteria:

If you want to locate...

Then ...

specific customers

Make an entry in the Customer  Name or Customer # fields

customers with action items that have a certain priority

select a priority from the Priority list

customers assigned to another collector

select the collector from the User list

Note: You can search by your name or by another user.

You can search by another collector if:

  • You belong to the same Business Role as the collector and the Business Role includes the capability to access other users' work queues.

  • You are the primary or secondary manager for the collector.

Note:  When you are on the Work Queue Summary screen and search to view customers for another user, you are not able to complete all action items for that user's customers.

customers with invoices that have an oldest amount due in a specific aging bucket

select the aging bucket from the Oldest Aging Bucket list

customers with specific aging characteristics

Create an advanced filter:

1. Select a criterion from the Select Field list.

Note: The numeric fields configured to display in your Work Queue Summary - Search Results section appear in this list.

2. From the Operator list, select one of the following operators that defines the type of comparison used to select the customers that display:

  • Equal To

  • Not Equal To

  • Greater Than

  • Less Than

3. In the Value field, type the value that you want to use for the comparison.

For example, to search for customers that have more than $100,00 past due, enter the following:

Select Field: Total Past Due

Operator = Equal to or greater than

Value = 100,000

  1. When you have entered all search criteria, click Search.
    The Work Queue Summary Search Results section displays the customers that match the search information you enter.

If your work queue has more than 200 customers, 200 customers display with a message notifying you that there are additional customers with action items. You can enter search criteria to locate the additional customers.

  1. Optionally, sort the Search Results section by any of the underlined column headers by clicking on the column header.
    The information sorts in either ascending or descending order depending on how your business administrator configures the screen. A second click sorts in the reverse order.

The sort order you select on the Work Queue Summary and Invoices screen persists until you log out, if you have the User Sort Order Preference capability added to you user role.

  1. Select the Collection Activity link for a customer in Search Results.
    The Collection Activity screen appears. The Collection Activity screen has next and previous arrows  to take you to the next customer on the Work Queue Summary screen.