Adding Promises for Batch Processing from the Invoices Screen


Use the Add/Edit Promise (Batch) feature to add promises to invoices for batch processing from the Invoices screen. You will need the Add Batch Promises user capability to use this feature.

To add promises to invoices for batch processing from the customer's Collection Activity screen:

  1. Search for an invoice. How?

  2. Select the check boxes for the invoices to which you want to add promises. You can enter up to 200 promises across multiple pages on the customer's Invoices screen.

Note: You cannot combine invoices without promises and invoices with existing promises for batch processing. You must select one type or the other.

  1. Click the Promise button and select Add/Edit Promise (Batch).
    The Promises section of the screen displays a summary row showing the following information:

  2. Total number of invoices selected

  3. Total invoice amount due

  4. Total promise amount due

  1. Enter the promise due date in the Promise Due Date field. This is the date the customer promises to make a payment. You can use the pop-up calendar to locate a date.

  2. Ensure that Promise Taken is in the Status field. This is the only status available when adding promises to invoices for batch processing.   

  3. Click the Note icon to add a note to the selected promises.

  4. Click Save to save the note.
    The Note icon turns yellow to indicate that it contains text. Notes that are added to promises are also available by selecting the note icon for any action item for the invoice.

  1. Optionally, click Cancel to close the Add Note window without saving the note.

  1. Click Save.
    eCredit processes your batch job request. If there are no errors, a message appears at the top of the screen letting you know that the record was saved successfully.

If your collections strategy has a branch of actions that start when a promise is logged, that branch will be activated in response to your entering the promise.

  1. Optionally, click Cancel to cancel to close the Promise section without taking any action, and return to the Collection Activity screen.

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