Viewing Invoice Details


To view invoice details:

  1. Select the customer. How?

  2. Select the Invoices tab.
    The Invoices screen appears. Invoices are listed in numerical sequence.

  3. In the Invoices section, locate the invoice you want to view.

  4. To view an invoice, click the invoice number.
    The Invoice Details screen appears with the Invoice Information section opened by default.

  5. Optionally, you can expand the other sections on the Invoice Detail screen one at a time to view additional invoice-related information by clicking the arrow next to the section name. Or, you can click the Expand/Collapse link near the top of the screen to open or close all the sections at the same time.

Note:  If you are sending user-defined (custom) fields for payments through a bulk interface with eCredit, in the Payment Information section, the payment number is a link to the Payment Details screen that displays the user-defined fields.