Generating User-Defined Reports


You can generate a report you define directly from the final screen used to define the report. You can run a report without saving it, or you can save the report so that it is available for ongoing generation. For subsequent generation, for reports that have been saved, you can select the link for the report on the Reports screen in the Name column. The report is automatically generated when you select the name link.

To generate a report it must be included in your role capabilities. If you create a report, it is automatically added as a capability to your user Access role. To generate a report created by another user, the report must be added to your Access role capabilities.

After you generate the report and it appears on the screen you can:

  • Export the report as a PDF file to archive, e-mail, or print the report.

  • Export it to a spreadsheet application to manipulate the data.

To generate user-defined reports:

  1. From the Main menu, select Reports.
    The Reports screen appears.

  2. Select the category or name for the report you want to generate from the Category list and select Search.
    The screen displays all the reports matching the category you entered and that you have the capability to generate.

  3. Select the name for the user-defined report you want to generate. User-defined reports are identified by the view/edit link before the report name.
    The report appears on the screen when it is generated. The report displays 200 rows on the screen at one time.

  1. To sort the report by any of the column headers, click the column header.
    The screen displays the report records in ascending order by the data you select. A second click sorts in descending order.

If the report includes a Customer # column, the customer # is a link to access the customer's Basic screen.

  1. The report displays 200 rows per page with More and All links to navigate between the pages. If there are more than 200 rows, to see additional records:

    • At the bottom of the screen, to see the next 200 records, click More.

    • At the bottom of the screen, to view all records, click All.

If the report exceeds 2000 rows, you are notified that you should add or edit filters to limit the number of rows in the report. How?

  1. To generate a PDF file for the report, click Export to PDF.

  2. To export the report to a spreadsheet application, click Export to Excel.