Standard Reports


eCredit offers standard reports for both the credit and collections business licenses. The standard reports available to you depend on your business license and the reports that are added as a capability to your user Access role.

The following are the standard reports provided with eCredit when you have a credit business license:


Provides this information for a specified time frame

Transaction Summary

Details for credit request transactions processed by the automated business process. Totals are included for the requested amount, approved amount, and the number of transactions for each decision. The report breaks down this information for each decision, and for each analyst.

Credit Line Summary

Details for credit lines entered by each analyst, and grand totals for the requested credit line and the granted credit line amounts.

Work Queue Summary

Details for all tasks in the work queue for each user.  The report includes totals for the number of pending tasks, the number of overdue tasks, and the number of action items for each analyst and for all tasks.

Bureau Summary Report

Details for your credit bureau usage.

The following are the standard reports available to you when you have a collections business license for eCredit:


Provides this information for a specified time frame

Accounts Receivable by Business Unit

Accounts Receivable by Region

Accounts Receivable by Subscriber

Amounts in each of your aging buckets for a time frame that you specify when generating the report. The report includes the percentage of each aging bucket that is overdue.

You can generate three Accounts Receivable reports: by business unit, by region, and by subscriber (your total enterprise).

Aging Trend by Business Unit

Aging Trend  by Region

Aging Trend  by Subscriber

Compares total A/R amounts for a selected period with the totals for the current date. The report includes aging bucket amounts, the amount for each aging bucket that is past due, and the percentage of the aging bucket that is past due.

You can generate three Aging Trend reports: by business unit, region, or subscriber.

Cash Forecast by Business Unit

Cash Forecast by Region

Cash Forecast by Subscriber

Provides aging by business unit and projects forecasts for your collections. The report includes the total in each aging bucket and the percentage of total A/R each aging bucket represents.

You can generate three Cash Forecast reports: by business unit, region, or subscriber.

Customer Exposure by Business Unit

Customer Exposure by Region

Customer Exposure by Subscriber

Compares the aging for your highest A/R customers with the A/R for all customers. You specify the number of top customers you want to use for the comparison.

You can generate three Customer Exposure reports: by business unit, region, or subscriber.

Daily Collection Activity

Includes the daily collection activity for each collector as measured by the amount and number of promises and disputes taken, total number of action items and the number of action items completed, the total number of customers and the number of customers completed, and  the number of e-mail and faxes sent.

Dispute by Business Unit

Dispute by Region

Dispute by Subscriber

Includes the dispute amount and number of customers for each dispute category, type, and cause.

You can generate three Dispute reports: by business unit, by region, and by subscriber.

Out of Balance Summary

Out of Balance Detail

The Out of Balance Summary report lists the customers whose A/R balances as calculated by eCredit do not match the AR balances you sent for the customers. The report includes the eCredit AR balance, the AR balance that you sent for the customer, and the amount of the variance. The Out of Balance Detail report provides detailed invoice information for each customer included in the report.

Open Disputes by Business Unit

Open Disputes by Region

Open Disputes by Subscriber

For open disputes, provides the number of disputes, the number of invoices and the total disputed amount for each dispute type.

You can generate three Open Disputes reports: by business unit, by region, and by subscriber.

Resolved Disputes by Business Unit

Resolved Disputes by Region

Resolved Disputes by Subscriber

For resolved disputes, includes the dispute cause, category, type, the # of invoices, and the average resolution cycle time.

You can generate three Resolved Disputes reports: by business unit, by region, and by subscriber.

Statement of Account

Summarizes all outstanding invoices for a customer, including the Invoice #, date, due date, invoice amount, and amount due for each invoice. The invoice amount and amount due are totaled for all invoices.

Strategy Verification Report by Segment

Includes the customers and invoices assigned to the selected segment, and the strategy, workgroup, and user assigned to the invoice. For each invoice, the report includes the total number of pending and completed actions, and the date of the next scheduled auto task.

Strategy Verification Report by Workgroup

Includes the customer and invoices assigned to the selected workgroup, and the strategy, segment, and user assigned to the invoice. For each invoice, the report includes the total number of pending and completed actions, and the date of the next scheduled auto task.

Strategy Verification

Includes the strategy and workgroup name, user name, segment name, user name, total number of action items, the number of completed actions, and the next auto action due date for the customer and invoice you specify when generating the report.

Top Disputed Accounts by Business Unit

Top Disputed Accounts  by Region

Top Disputed Accounts  by Customer

Provides dispute amount, the number of disputes, and the minimum and maximum invoice age for your customers with the highest disputed amounts. You specify the number of top customers to be included in the report.

You can generate three Top Disputed Accounts reports: by business unit, by region, and by customer. By customer includes the specified number of  top disputed accounts for your entire enterprise.

Write Off by Business Unit

Write Off by Region

Write Off by Subscriber

Provides the number of customers written off, and the amount written off.

You can generate three Write Off reports: by business unit, by region, and by subscriber.

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