How to Create Scorecards


To create scorecards:

  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin Home Page appears.

  2. From the Policy Administration tab, select Scorecard Maintenance.
    The Scorecard Maintenance screen displays a list of all your scorecards.

  3. To add a new scorecard, click New.
    The Factor Selection Step 1 of 4 screen appears.

  4. In the Scorecard Name field, enter the name for the scorecard.

  5. To view the factors included in the criteria, click the Expand All link.
    The Criteria folders expand to display their factors.

Note: To view the factors for a single criterion, click the folder icon beside the criterion name.

  1. Select the check boxes for the factors you want to include in the scorecard, and click Next.
    The Factor/Criteria Details  (Step 2 of 4) screen appears.

  2. To enter weights and filters for the criteria.

    1. Click the pencil icon next to the criteria name.
      The Criteria Details pop-up screen appears.

    2. In the Name field, you can change the name used for the criterion.

    3. In the Weight field, enter the relative weight for this criteria as compared to other criteria for the scorecard. You enter a number from 1 to 100. The total of the weights for all criteria for the scorecard should not exceed 100.

    4. If there is more than one filter available for the criterion, select the filters you want to apply.

    5. To save the entries on the Criteria Details pop-up screen, click OK.

  3. To enter weights for the factors:

    1. Click the pencil icon next to the factor name.
      The Factor Details pop-up screen appears.

    2. In the Name field, you can change the name used for the factor.

    3. In the Default Score field, enter the score used if the factor cannot be evaluated using the range information entered for it.

    4. In the Weight field, enter the relative weight for this factor as compared to other factors for the criteria. You enter a number from 1 to 100. The total of the weights for all factors for the criteria should not exceed 100.

    5. To save the entries on the Factor Details pop-up screen, click OK.

  4. Click Next.
    The Ranges (Step 3 of 4) screen appears.

  5. To add ranges and factor scores for each range:

    1. Click the Ranges icon next to the factor name.
      The Factor Ranges pop-up screen appears.

    2. Enter a Lower Range, Upper Range and Factor Score for each range that you want to enter for this factor. The Factor Score is the number of points assigned when the data falls within the range defined by the Lower and Upper Range values.

    3. To save the changes on the Factor Ranges pop-up screen, click OK.


    • Numbers fall within a range if they are equal to or greater than the lower range value, and less than the upper range value. This means that you enter the same Upper Value for a range as the Lower Value for the next range.

    • If a factor has a single value (that is, it is not a range), enter  the value in the Lower Range field.

    • To dismiss the Factor Ranges pop-up screen, click Cancel.

  1. Click Next.
    The Scorecard Maintenance screen Step 4 of 4 appears. From the Scorecard Maintenance- Step 4 of 4 screen, you can review and edit the scorecard.

  2. To change the position of a criterion or to edit it:

    1. To move a criterion up or down, click the move up or down folder next to the criterion name.

    2. To edit a criterion, click the Edit icon next to the criterion name .
      The criteria Edit icons appear .

    3. To edit the criterion weight or filters, click the Pencil icon

    4. To add a factor to the criterion, click the Plus icon .

    5. To delete the criterion from the scorecard, click the Delete icon . You are not able to delete a criterion if it is the only criterion selected for the scorecard.

  3. To change the position of the factor or to edit it:

    1. To move the factor up or down in the scorecard, click the up or down arrows

    2. To edit a factor, click the Edit icon next to the factor name .
      The factor Edit icons appear.

    3. To edit the factor weight click the Edit icon

    4. To edit the factor ranges or score, click the Ranges icon

    5. To delete the factor from the criteria, click the Delete icon . You are not able to delete a factor if it is the only factor selected for the criterion.

  4. Click Save.

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