Internal Contacts


Internal contacts are employees of your organization who act as contacts, or as resolvers of disputes for one or more customers. Internal contacts can include eCredit users and employees who are not eCredit users.

When you add an internal contact for a customer, you are able to select an existing record, or to add information for a new internal contact. When you add information for a new internal contact, the information you add is then available to be added as an internal contact for other customers.

How internal contacts are used

When you associate an internal contact with a customer, the internal contact can be used in the following ways:

  • When you add internal contacts, your eCredit Business Administrator can create rules that select these internal contacts to be dispute resolvers for the customer.

  • You can select the associated internal contacts to be the recipients of e-mail messages you generate for the customer using the Correspondence feature. The e-mail address that you enter for a contact automatically fills in when you select the contact.

  • eCredit uses the e-mail addresses when creating correspondence for the customer generated by your collections strategies.

Primary contacts

You can designate an internal contact as the primary contact. You can add one primary contact for each contact type. Your business administrator can use the primary contact designation when specifying internal contacts as dispute resolvers or as the recipients of messages generated by your collection strategies.  

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