Writing Off Invoices


Note: Writing off invoices eliminates all pending or future actions.

To write off an invoice:

  1. Access the collection activities. How?

  2. If you are not in the 'All' action item view, select All from the Action Item View list and click Search. You can write off invoices only when in the 'All" action item view.

  3. Select the action items for the invoice that you want to write off by clicking the selection boxes.

  4. Note: You can select invoices from multiple pages. To select all invoices across all pages, click Select All.

  1. To write-off the invoice, click Write Off.
    A pop-up screen listing collection agencies appears.

  2. Make a selection from the pop-up screen and click Save.
    All action items for the written off invoice are removed from the work queue.

  3. Note: You can view all write offs for the customer by selecting the Written Off tab in the Customer Profile section of the Collection Activity screen. The Written Off tab includes a link in the Invoice # column to view invoice details for any invoice that is written off.