Maintaining Lists and Items


Using the Lists and Items feature of the Admin module, you can add new drop-down lists to eCredit, and add, change or delete items from selected drop-down lists. Adding items to drop-down lists enables you to customize the application so that users can enter the specific information that your workflow requires. The lists that you add or customize can be used in a variety of ways, including the following:

  • Customizing the Activity List enables you to define the activities that credit analysts and sales representatives can add to tasks in their work queues. You select from these same activities when creating manual tasks in the Admin module.

  • When you define fields for additional information, you can associate the field with a list. You can use the Lists and Items feature to create or customize the lists that you associate with additional information.

Customizing lists and associating fields with lists facilitates data entry, and ensures that eCredit users enter the specific information your workflow requires. Click here to view the lists that you can customize.

For example, the default values provided for the Bank Account Type list are Checking, Savings, Sweeping, and Other. If you want to add information for a specific account type not included in this list, add the account type as an item to this list.

Decision lists

The automated decision process depends on the list items in the Decision, Decision Reason, Decision State and Decision Status lists. For this reason, to ensure proper functioning of the decision process, do not delete or change any items from these lists.

You can add items to the Decision lists. When you add items, these items are available so that users can select them when making entries on the Decision screen.

Modifying and deleting list items

When you delete or modify a list item you are notified if the item is storing data in any customer, credit request, or work queue record. You can cancel the operation if you decide that the deletion or change presents a data integrity issue. If users are likely to use the list item to store different information after you make any changes to a list item, then data integrity is compromised.

If you delete a list item, the item is removed from the list. Users are no longer able to select that item to create a new record. Records that were saved using the list item prior to the deletion continue to show the list item in the record.

How eCredit displays list items

When a list is created, it is defined to display by the item name or abbreviation (alphabetically) or by sort order (in sequence using a number that is entered). The list is also defined to display in ascending or descending order. Most of the lists that you can customize use ascending alphabetical order to display the list, and store the list by item name.

If you are adding a list to use in your custom additional information, you can decide how you want the list to be displayed.

Note:  The entries for list items are case-sensitive. If you enter items for a list with some items beginning with an upper-case letter and some with a lower-case letter, the lower case items are sorted alphabetically after the upper case items.

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