Maintaining the Dashboard


The Dashboard uses graphs to provide a visual representation of the collection Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for your organization. The Dashboard can include alert messages for each KPI. The graphs and alerts shown in the Dashboard enable collectors and managers to isolate areas for performance improvement and  to identify best business practices.

eCredit provides you with a standard set of KPIs. You can configure any of the following for a KPI:

  • The minimum and maximum values that trigger an alert message to users viewing the Dashboard. You can enter the minimum and maximum values, and the alert that users see on the screen if the KPI falls outside this range.

  • The display label used for the KPI graph in the Dashboard module.

  • The graph type for the KPI. You can select pie, bar, or line for the graph type.

  • The page number and display order for the KPI graph. eCredit can display up to 9 pages for KPIs, and can display up to 6 KPIs per page.

Formulas for Key Performance Indicators

The following table lists the calculations for the standard KPIs.  

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)


Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)

Measures the average number of days required to close invoices weighted by the collected amounts of those invoices. This metric is an indication of the time required to collect on receivables.

The formula is:

Days Sales Outstanding  =  (Total Receivables * Period Days)/MTD Sales

Collection Effectiveness Index (CEI)

Uses the following formula to measure the effectiveness of collectors to receive payment against outstanding invoices:

CEI = (((Open Receivables - Total Receivables) + MTD Sales) / ((Open Receivables + Current Receivables) + MTD Sales)

Best DSO

All the outstanding receivables in the current bucket calculated using the following formula:

Best DSO = (Current Receivables * Period Days) / MTD Sales

Average Days to Pay (ADP)

The average number of days to pay for all Invoices.  ADP is calculated using the following formula:

Average Days to Pay = (MTD Days Pay / MTD Payments)

Days Beyond Terms

Amount of days beyond the terms calculated as:

Days Beyond Terms = (MTD Days Late / MTD Payments)

Average Days Delinquent

Difference between the DSO and the Best Possible DSO calculated using the following formula:

Average Days Delinquent =  (DSO - Best DSO)

Aging Buckets

The aging buckets as defined in the Aging Bucket Setup feature. An extra aging bucket is added to the aging buckets you define. This extra bucket covers all receivables not included in the last aging bucket.

The KPI formulas use the following definitions:

  • Period Days: The number of days your eCredit Business Administrator has defined for collection periods using the Collection Period feature. Collection periods can be set up to be quarterly or monthly.

  • Total receivables is calculated as the total accounts receivable as of the end date defined in your collection period setup

  • Current receivables is the current receivables as of the end date specified in your collection period setup.

  • Period opening receivables is the opening receivables for the period defined by your collection period setup.

  • Period to date sales is the revenue to date for the period defined in your collection period setup.

  • Days to Pay =  Payment Date - Invoice Date

  • Days Late = Payment Date - Due Date

  • Days Pay Amount = Days to Pay * Payment Amount

  • Days Late Amount = Days Late * Payment Amount

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