Setting Up AutoText


Use the Admin AutoText feature to enter comments for specific categories of your workflow. eCredit users can insert this predefined text into Comment boxes in the application. This reduces data entry and standardizes entering comments.

You can enter up to 500 characters as AutoText. Users can select the AutoText and combine the AutoText with their own entries as needed.


The process for setting up AutoText is:

  1. You add the auto text categories that are relevant to your workflow using the Lists and Items feature.

  2. You add text for the defined categories using the AutoText feature.

  3. Users of the eCredit application select the auto text to be added to Comments boxes throughout the application. Users select the Category and then select the text to insert. If there is more than one set of comments entered for a category, users scroll to select the AutoText they want to add within the category.

Where AutoText is used

The notes and comments boxes that use AutoText are found in the following eCredit modules and features:

  • Bankruptcy

  • Trade Reference (for verification and accounts receivable comments)

  • Credit Cards

  • Customer Status

  • Credit Line

  • Customer notes: Customer Analysis module, Dispute Management module, Collection Activity Search Results, Invoices Search Results, and Work Queue Summary Search Results

  • Financials

  • Decision screen for credit requests

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