Navigating in the Portfolio Module


To navigate in the Portfolio Management module, you use:

  • The submenu that appears below the main navigation bar

  • The links in the Search Results section of the Portfolio Search screen

  • The tabs that appear at the side of the Portfolio Definition, Portfolio Event Search, and Portfolio Members screens

  • The links that appear in the Search Results section of the Portfolio Event Search screen.

When you select Portfolio Management from the main navigation bar, the Portfolio module submenu displays links to search for existing portfolios and to create a new portfolio.

Portfolio Management search results

When you select Search for Portfolios, you enter information to identify the portfolio, and click Search. The Search Results section of the Portfolio Search screen displays links to do the following:

To perform this task

Select this link

Applies to these portfolio types

View or edit the portfolio definition

The name of the portfolio in the Portfolio Name column

All portfolio types

Schedule the generation of portfolio statistics

Schedule in the Action column

Financial Benchmark and Exposure portfolios

View, graph, or export portfolio results

Events in the Action column

Financial Benchmark and Exposure portfolios

View members

Members in the Action column

Financial Benchmark and Exposure portfolios

Add ratios for a quarter

Add Quarter in the Actions column

Standard Financial

View or edit ratios for a quarter

View/Edit Quarter in the Action column

Standard Financial


Portfolio Management module tabs

After you have selected a portfolio, you can access the Portfolio Definition, Portfolio Event Search, Portfolio Event Details, and Portfolio Members screens. These screens have tabs that enable you to access the portfolio definition, event results, and member information for the portfolio you have selected.

When viewing portfolio members, you can select the link in the Customer Name column to access the customer record.

Portfolio event search

When you select the Events link in the Action column on the Portfolio Search Results screen, the Portfolio Event Search screen appears. When you search for an event, links and buttons appear in the Search Results section to do the following:

To perform this task

Select this link

View portfolio trends

View Trends button after selecting multiple portfolio events

Export member raw data

Export Member Raw Data after selecting a single event

View event details

View in the row for the event


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