Searching for Invoices


In the Search Results section, you can sort the information by clicking on any underlined column header. Here's how the sort works:

  • The first click sorts in ascending order.

  • The second click sorts in the reverse order.

  • A third click sorts the Invoice Amount and Amount Due fields in absolute order. Absolute order shows negative values (such as for credit memos) without the negative sign.

  • The sort order you select persists until you log out if you have the User Preference Sort Order capability included in your user role.

To search for an invoice:

  1. Select the customer. How?

  2. Select the Invoices tab.
    The Invoices search screen displays the invoices for the customer. If there are more than 200 invoices a message appears letting you know that you can search to locate the additional invoices. The invoices are displayed 20 per page with arrows to navigate between the pages.

  3. Use the following table for information on how you can sort the screen.

To sort the invoices..

Do this...

By a column header

Click any underlined column header.

The first click sorts in the default order set by your business administrator. The second click sorts in the reverse order. The sort order you select on the Invoices screen persists until you log out.

By absolute order

Click a third time.

The negative values for credit memos are shown as positive numbers. The fourth click sorts in absolute order descending.

By invoices that have promises

Click the Promise icon at the top of the column.

The screen displays those invoices that have promises at the top of the list.

By invoices that have disputes

Click the Disputes icon at the top of the column.

The screen displays those invoices that have disputes at the top of the list.

  1. To limit the invoices that display or to locate additional invoices, select the criteria you want to use to locate invoices. You can search by:

    • Whether the invoice is open or closed

    • Invoice #

    • Time frame for the invoice

    • Business unit issuing the invoice

    • Aging bucket for the invoice

    • Purchase order # associated with the invoice

    • Additional customer information

Tip:  When searching by Invoice #, you can enter a partial number without entering the wildcard. eCredit automatically adds the wildcard at the end of your entry.

  1. To search invoices, click Search.
    The Search Results section displays the invoices that match the information you enter.